Friday, April 10, 2009

Julie Says... Bah, Slumbug

Where'd we go? This is not a good way to start. Sister? Hello??

In the past two weeks, my progress towards running has been nil. Am I ashamed of myself? Eh, yes and no. For one, my body is not run-ready. I knew that before starting, but at least I have proven to myself that I wasn't stalling (okay, maybe a little). For the rest of it... that false Spring start threw me off. It has been rainy and cold. I don't do cold. I won't feel guilty for that. I have still done yoga nearly every day. I feel like that is going to help me tremendously in the end. I can feel my strength and flexibility increasing steadily. I also did a meager quantity of yard work. That counts for something, right?

What I (we) have accomplished in the past two weeks is to make plans towards two trips. Beverly has a conference-thingy in Raleigh that is library-related, so I'm going to join her there. I get the opportunity to network (and maybe learn a thing or two), and Beverly gets a ride home to retrieve her car. Anything that can help me get a job is a mood booster. Mood boost = more energy = more exercise :)

The other trip is less certain but far more exciting with the prospect of white sand, blue water, little umbrellas, and exotic food. The good news is that I shudder at the thought of bathing suits in public (both on myself and others, strangely). Dread of public nakedness = more exercise. :)

Until next time... here's hoping for more sunshine... and one big guffaw to mock the one up north. Oh, I meant to say sympathetic groan... really :)


  1. Hey, Sister, you still in?

  2. Hey #1 Fan, please don't address me as Sister, it is creepy. And yes I am still in. :)

  3. You do know who #1 fan is, don't you?
