Thursday, April 16, 2009

Beverly says... Crickets... Crickets...

I am not doing very well at this blogging thing.... crickets. Let me share a conversation I had with my sister this week over email:

Julie: Who's a blogger? You are! Where are your posts? :)
Me: Who isn't running - I am! Who is avoiding it? This girl! I will write a post.

P.S. Julie said our conversation reminded her of this hysterical interview with the stuck up girl from Real Housewives of NYC: Oh her name is Kelly Bensimon. If I had never heard her name pronounced by her or entourage I would pronounce her last name Ben-Cy-mon. Cy-mon, like Alex's husband's first name. (Wow, I need to go out and run and stop watching this show.) Anyway, her name is pronounced Ben-se-Moan. It is her name and she can't help it but it irritates me to no end.

Yeah... that is all I have to write about today, the fact that I am not writing. For some reason I have completely derailed myself from everything. All I have done of late is walk and started the couch to 5K, and then started the couch to 5K. Where do things stand now? I need to start the couch to 5K plan. sigh. But there is good news! Spring is making an appearance this weekend in Boston. I even heard the number 70 mentioned. Last year it didn't reach 70 until June. Also, I have Monday off from work. It is a holiday, Patriot's Day. Otherwise known as Boston Marathon. I am going to spend the weekend hiking, couch to 5King, and other outdoor activities.

In other news, I start my tap dance class tonight with my friend. I took swing dance lessons with him years ago and we constantly argued. Of course he doesn't remember this. He was the teacher's pet and she was always using him for examples leaving me without a dance partner. He would then come back to me and expect me to know all of the moves. I would get so frustrated. I am hoping that tap will be different since it is an independent dance. Julie, remind me I said this when I am ranting about how he is doing so much better than I am and I want to smack him.

In summary, April equals a rocky start to the marathon training but Spring is around the corner and I am trying to get back on the train.

1 comment:

  1. I'm helping the cause. My car broke down this morning in the middle of nowhere and I had to walk a mile for help. Does that count?
