Friday, May 1, 2009

Julie Says... Feet v. Shoes

World, meet my feet.

Quite ugly, aren’t they? Notice the exceptionally long and skinny toes. It may amuse and/or horrify you to know that my big toe is actually larger than my thumb (both in length and width). For those of you who are nosy, they’re size 8.5, narrow natch.

Now, meet a few of my ailments, both past and present: recurring metatarsal and tibial stress fractures, bursitis, arthritis, and the usual annoying-but-less-worrisome shin splints.

Are my weird skinny feet the culprit?

What, those guys? C’mon, give them a break. They’ve spent a lifetime being abused: crammed into tight toe boxes, slipping and sliding in shoes that are always too wide, the naturally high arches forced into submission by unnaturally flat and stiff soles. If they were at fault, could you blame them?

I’d like to present an alternate theory.

Exhibit A: The painful truth about trainers*

I don’t expect you to read the entire article, as it quite long, and you are likely not nearly as fascinated by this as I am, but at least scroll through and take a gander at the photos and illustrations.

*This is a British article, so you’ll have to forgive the use of “trainers” for sneakers and the odd alternate spelling, such as “tyre” for “tire.” Quaint, those forbearers of ours.

Exhibit B: Nike says go barefoot… almost

Nike, yes, a company that sells shoes for running, has determined the most effective way to run is… barefoot.

Exhibit C: Nike Free running shoes: are they worth it?

This Ask MeFi thread is the origin of my current obsession. Note that the question is “Are Nike Frees a good investment?” while the answer is a resounding, “I love my Vibram FiveFingers.” Hmmm. Interesting.

Conclusion: Brace yourself.

World, meet my feet in FiveFingers**.

Because this post is long enough already, I’ll save more for other days. For now, I’ll leave you with my first impressions.

Freedom. Exhilaration. Connection. Me, my feet, my FiveFingers, and the Earth. We’re a pretty good combination.

Oh, yes…

A great big THANK YOU to Mama for being open-minded enough to buy these (early) for my birthday.

**The tags are still on the shoes in this picture, as it was taken just minutes after the UPS man had exited the driveway. The tags are now gone, and the shoes covered in pollen and detritus.